Teachers usually ask their students for feedback, typically at the end of the semester. The results of these surveys help teachers improve, and sometimes help school administrators evaluate teacher performance.
The problem is, teachers aren’t always experts at survey design. Even if they are, it’s hard to use free survey software to do a school wide survey. In many schools, a student will get ten email invitations to different surveys, one from each of their teachers. The questions and choices might be different. Even the scale used can be different. It’s messy and confusing.
With Scholastico’s feedback surveys, a student gets one single link in an email which authenticates them in a single click. The system knows who their teachers are and provides them with a straightforward interface for providing feedback easily, including an optional openended comment.
The school principal can choose which questions to ask, from a bank of clearly-worded questions.
If your school is interested in improving with Scholastico’s surveys, just sign up today for an invitation, or pass the information on to your school administration. Pricing ranges from 50 cents to $1 per student per year, depending on the size of your school.